Sunday, November 15, 2015

Shaken, not blurred

We all tend to view our own problems as the worst in the world, and in light of my online dating debacles, I was no different. I have quickly regained a proper perspective. Quality family time, lots of good wine and laughter, and I feel so much better. Besides, my options are still open and completely unlimited. Life is bueno, and it does go on.

I suppose another factor contributing to my perspective-adjustment was the attack in Paris. It's yet another not-so-subtle reminder that life is precious and short. I'm not one of those who yearns to showcase how thoughtful I am by superimposing a French flag over a Facebook photo or hash-tagging PrayforParis. I've always been a substance-over-symbol type anyway, but the terror attacks did conjure some really random thoughts. One was extraordinarily random.

I remember when I won the coin collection. There was a running backgammon tab that reached just over $3000, and once I got tired of trying to collect actual money, we arranged an asset exchange. I got a .44 Magnum, a home gym, and a pretty cool coin collection. In the end, I was shortchanged quite a bit. I sold the gun a couple years later (story for another day), I gave the home gym to God knows whom, but I kept the coin collection.

Before I moved to Florida, I did a ton of pruning because I didn't want to take a lot with me. One day, I was browsing through the coins, and one caught my eye. At first, I thought it was a game token from an old carnival, but after a bit of research, I learned it was a late-19th century brothel token from Paris. They weren't worth a mint......I think mine sold on eBay for $120-150. The peculiar aspect of this particular sale was that I shipped the token to a guy who lived about 20 miles from the address of the old brothel. I remember feeling such joy that the token was going home. After news of the attacks broke, I wondered about the guy who bought it.

Address of Brothel

Location of old brothel

Proximity of old brothel to location of one terror attack

I'm not sure why I felt the urge to write about this, but I'm sure it has more to do with putting off the restoration of this monstrosity than anything.

Chin up, eyes forward, and Vive La France (they do have the best national anthem by the way). Adieu.

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