She's kind.........
She's affectionate.....
She's photogenic.....
She yells at me when I aggravate her......
......but she's quick to forgive.
She loves to take road trips, but she hates cars.....
So when my sister rescued her from a flea-infested home housing approximately 12 people (and God knows how many animals), no one was happier than I was. Thankfully, her name was changed to M.J. (Mary Jane). It's not a marijuana reference, but an homage to a friend who recently died. It was fitting, and the timing was oddly perfect.
This post will be short. It's mostly a photo-dump because it drives me crazy to have too many photos on my phone (I'm still not sure why I've yet to be officially diagnosed with OCD), It's also part-me trying to reconcile my amazement with how seemingly meaningless events can bring people (or animals) into one's life, and in that second, your existence is never the same. Hell, M.J. isn't even my dog, and I adore her. That my life can be changed because of someone else's random world is even more mind-boggling. And exciting. And scary.